Friday, June 29, 2007

Where oh Where

White walls surround me
My fingertips are burning as I press
Them against the wall
Leaving ten charred black spots
I drag my fingers down
Giving these walls new life in stripes
As if a new look could make these walls less confining

And in the distance a falsetto voice was singing
Getting closer,

“And our time is a ticking bomb”

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Another day another dollar

I walk hunched over
Like a great weight is upon me
Many burdens
A cross and a pocket full of nails
I would never nail myself up
But the world is full of suckers
Waiting for

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I forget where I remember to leave it

I feel a twitch in the muscle of my heart
I can't tell if it's emotional or physical
My thoughts consumed by potential
911 calls and regrets of things
That haven’t happened yet

I wet my tongue
Dry and limp
My left side numb
I think of things that haven’t
Happened yet

Where were those sparks
Anger I once used to spew
Across my consciousness
Inspiring in its ferocity and determination
I feel a twitch

I’ve become emotionally involved in a million
I can never finish
I’ve fought myself all along
So a twitch becomes a
And a death becomes a dream.